Foreign press outlets highlight S. Korea's general election amid COVID-19 pandemic

2020-04-15 25

BBC 등 외신 "한국, 코로나19 사태 속 총선 실시...다른 나라 모델될 것"

Right. The rest of the world are keeping a close eye on South Korea as it becomes the first in the world to head to the polls in the COVID-19 era.
Global media say this country could set a role model for how to hold a major election at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.
Here is our Yoon Jung-min.
South Korea's 2020 general election has been in the global media's spotlight.
The BBC has elaborated on how voters in South Korea have kept at least one meter between each other at polling stations, and how election workers have checked temperatures and disinfected about 14-thousand voting stations.
The BBC added that most people seemed to be happy to "put up with the short delay for the sake of democracy."
Bloomberg reported Wednesday that South Korea holding the largest election since the start of the coronavirus pandemic "might spur other world leaders with good poll numbers to follow suit."
It went on to say that the decision contrasted with some U.S. states which have delayed presidential primaries.
Italy's daily newspaper La Stampa also highlighted South Korea's general election on Tuesday local time,... saying that the country has not given up the election despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
It added that the country's approach could be a model on how to hold elections during the crisis.
Other foreign press including Al Jazeera, Time Magazine and The Telegraph all also reported on the election.
According to CNN this week, dozens of countries, including Sri Lanka, the UK and France, have decided to postpone elections due to the pandemic.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.