Academies converted into prisons to accommodate MCO violators

2020-04-15 325

Putrajaya will convert 13 academies under the Prisons Department to incarcerate those who violate the movement control order (MCO), according to Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob today.

Ismail, who is the senior minister in charge of security matters and tasked with coordinating the enforcement of the MCO, said this was in line with the punishment for the offence shifting back from police compounds to court sentencing which includes imprisonment.

Previously, the courts had jailed MCO violators but the Prisons Department complained this led to overcrowding and could create new Covid-19 outbreaks as social distancing was difficult in these facilities.

Speaking at a press conference in Putrajaya, Ismail said with the conversion of the academies, there would be sufficient space to house the violators.

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