2 S. Korean companies to export COVID-19 test kits to U.S. on Tuesday

2020-04-13 7

美 FDA 잠정승인 한국 업체 3곳 중 2곳, 내일 미국으로 진단키트 운송

South Korea plans to send COVID-19 test kits made by two South Korean companies to the United States government on Tuesday in the first such shipment following a request from U.S. President Donald Trump.
Two weeks ago, three South Korean test kit-makers received an interim approval from U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency signed contracts with these three companies... and one of them has already shipped its products.
The quantity of test kits has not been unveiled as agreed between Seoul and Washington.
But Reuters reports 600-thousand will be sent on Tuesday night which will be followed by an additional 150-thousand in exports in the near future.