Nearly 600 sailors have COVID-19 on a US aircraft carrier

2020-04-13 24

WASHINGTON — A total of 585 sailors on the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt tested positive for COVID-19, the Navy said in a statement dated April 12. This figure represents 12 percent of the ship's 4,800 crew and an uptick of about 170 cases in three days.

Speaking to a news conference at the Pentagon on April 9, the Joint Chiefs of Staff's General John Hyten said one of the carrier's sailors with COVID-19 was found unresponsive in their isolation room and transferred to the ICU on Guam Island.

According to the Navy's statement, 3,967 sailors of the ship have moved ashore, and 92 percent of the crew have been tested as of April 12.

The U.S. Navy operates 11 aircraft carriers. According to National Public Radio, at least three of the advanced warships have reported COVID-19 cases onboard, which raises troubling questions about the fleet's military readiness.