S. Koreans under self-quarantine without COVID-19 symptoms allowed to vote in general election

2020-04-13 23

무증상 코로나19 자가격리자, 총선일 오후 6시 이후 투표한다

South Koreans under self-quarantine will be allowed to vote in Wednesday's general election…as long as they are not showing symptoms of COVID-19.
According to the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters on Sunday, …people ordered to go into self-isolation from April 1st to 14th and without symptoms on Election Day can vote after 6 p.m. Korea time, …after non-quarantined people have finished voting.
Voters under self-quarantine will be allowed to leave their homes or facilities after 5:20 p.m., arrive at the polling stations before 6 p.m. …and return to their homes or facilities by 7 p.m.
They will be banned from using public transportation …and will have to travel on foot or by car to polling stations, wearing face masks.
They will either be monitored by the government's mobile app for self-isolators or be accompanied by health officials.

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