"확진자 동선 10분 만에 분석"…빠르고 정확한 스마트시티 역학지원시스템
South Korea has been able to drastically flatten the curve not only by its early testing measures but also its drastic contact tracing campaign.
Contact tracing is about to get even faster here in South Korea.
The government has developed a new system that can dramatically cut the time it takes to figure out where COVID-19 patients went before being diagnosed.
It's called the COVID-19 Smart Management System - our Kim Dami reports.
Ten minutes is all it takes to figure out, with a high degree of accuracy, where COVID-19 patients have recently been.
This is thanks to the South Korea's very own COVID-19 Smart Management System based on the so-called smart city data hub.
"It's crucial that we stop additional infections, but relying on patient interviews can lead to errors and omissions. This system ensures that there is no missing information about a patient's recent activities."
This system enables the health authorities to get information on patients' credit card transactions through 27 agencies and companies along with relevant CCTV footage in just ten minutes.
Before, investigators had to request such data from the police, which in some cases took up to 24 hours.
On top of its speed and accuracy, the system's advanced technology eliminates misleading data.
"The system applies big data analysis and AI technology. When investigating infection routes, we use advanced technologies to filter unusual data, given that confirmed patients can have different walking speeds."
Ensuring security and privacy, of course, comes as a top priority.
"Access to the information is limited to the KCDC and local epidemiological investigators,... of whom there are very few. The system also retains all log-in records, so the risk of abuse is very low."
In addition, all collected personal information will be destroyed as soon as this pandemic ends.
The South Korean government plans to actively engage in technical cooperation with other countries and international organizations who are interested in adopting the system.
With this experience as a stepping stone, the government has pledged to make full use of and apply the smart system where the people need it most in the future.
Kim Dami, Arirang News.