The South Korean gove" />
The South Korean gove"/>

Gov't boosting financial support for working parents staying home due to COVID-19 outbreak

2020-04-09 42

홍남기 "가족돌봄 휴가 10일, 50만원으로 지원 확대"

The South Korean government is expanding financial support for working parents that have to stay home due to the coronavirus outbreak.
At a policy meeting Thursday,... finance minister Hong Nam-ki said the government will increase paid days for the so-called "family care leave"... from the current five to ten days.
And as for the amount,... Hong said it'd be doubled for some families... from the current two-hundred-five U.S. dollars... to up to a maximum of 4-hundred-11 dollars.
As the new school year kicks off online,... working parents staying home can apply.
However, they must be parents to either children under eight years old, or disabled children under the age of 18.