Bernie Sanders drops out of U.S. presidential race, opens door for Biden versus Trump

2020-04-09 1,998

샌더스 미 민주 경선 중도하차…트럼프-바이든 대선 맞대결

It's another case of so close, but yet so far.
Bernie has bowed out of the race for the White House again... after falling on his sword for Hillary Clinton four years ago.
Bernie Sanders says he's ending his campaign,... leaving the door open for Joe Biden to take on President Trump for the keys to the White House in November.
The Vermont senator announced his decision Wednesday in a conference call with his staff,... after suffering primary loss after primary loss,... and the coronavirus pandemic stalling his campaign for weeks.
Sanders said the path to win the Democratic presidential nomination was "virtually impossible",... adding the decision was not an easy one.
He also congratulated Biden,... but did not openly endorse him.

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