6 Mild COVID-19 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

2020-04-06 264

6 Mild COVID-19 Symptoms
You Shouldn't Ignore 1. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting Study, 'American Journal of Gastroenterology' 2. Excess mucus production Though this symptom is also often associated with
the common cold and allergies, it has been reported
in over a third of COVID-19 patients. 3. Aches, pains and headaches These are common symptoms
with most viruses. 4. Fatigue Dr. Susan Besser, via 'Prevention' 5. Sore throat Respiratory viruses can cause postnasal drip
and a constant cough, leading to a sore throat. 6. Lost sense of smell According to the American Academy of
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, this
"has been seen in patients ultimately testing
positive for coronavirus with no other symptoms." If you are experiencing
multiple mild or severe symptoms
of COVID-19, call your doctor. They will be able to tell you if
you qualify for testing and
where to go from there.