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Moon urges timeliness in financial support, leniency on unintended mistakes

2020-04-06 22

문대통령 "100조원, 적시적소에 가야"…긴급금융 수혈 '속도전'

President Moon Jae-in wants to make sure active financing gets underway and soon so that it can rescue the nation's small businesses and the self-employed.
In a meeting with top commerical bankers and policy leaders,... President Moon called for timely support in order to help the country's businesses weather the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our senior Blue House correspondent Kim Min-ji reports.
President Moon Jae-in says the government's multi-billion U.S. dollar economic relief measures need to be implemented at the right time in order to protect jobs and people's livelihoods.
He was speaking Monday in an unprecedented meeting with the heads of commercial banks and financial institutions.
Small business owners and self-employed people hit by COVID-19 are still having a hard time getting loans. I ask for particular care in dealing with this. Funding support for companies must also be provided appropriately and sufficiently.
The government recently unveiled an emergency aid package worth 80 billion dollars to help not only small businesses and the self-employed,... but also medium and large-sized companies hit by COVID-19.
The president thanked the institutions for their cooperation in drawing up the package emphasizing the importance of finance in overcoming crises likening it to the medical staff now working in quarantine.
Finance just like the medical personnel doing anti-virus quarantine work. Just as the devotion of these medical staff saves the lives of patients, aggressive financing can rescue companies, small business owners and the self-employed.
Moon also promised that the government would be lenient on financial institutions that make unintended mistakes in the process of providing the aid... and will not hold them responsible.
He added that further measures may be needed depending on how the situation develops,... saying the government will actively lend a helping held to the financial institutions as well.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

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