S. Korea reports fewer than 50 new cases for the first time in 46 days

2020-04-06 31

코로나 47명 늘어 총1만284명…46일만에 신규확진 50명미만

Could South Korea be turning the corner in the coronavirus outbreak?
It's too early to say, but the signs are encouraging.
The number of newly confirmed coronavirus patients in South Korea was less than 50 on Monday a daily low not seen in weeks.
For more, we have our Eum Ji-young on the line for us.
Ji-young, just start by giving us the latest figures.
Sure. Forty-seven new cases of COVID-19 were reported this morning,... down sharply from the 81 new cases reported on Sunday.
Monday's figures are the lowest number of daily infections since late February.
This brings South Korea's total number of cases to 10-thousand 284.
The death toll rose by 3,... bringing the total deaths to 186.
It was 46 days ago February 20th when the number of newly confirmed patients was last below 50.
The number had been increasing by the hundreds for many days during February and March, but it has recently dropped under 100 cases a day.
Although Seoul and its surrounding areas are seeing a rise in confirmed cases, mainly because of imported cases and cluster transmissions, the number of newly-confirmed patients in Busan has been zero for five consecutive days.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Monday urged people to comply with the two-week social distancing extension. The government aims to keep daily cases to less than 50 and minimize untraceable cases to under 5 percent.
That's all I have for now but I'll bring more updates in a later newscast. Back to you Mark.

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