Additional Inspector General of Police Sindh, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Memon visited the Police Emergency Response and Crisis Management Centre established at Special Security Unit - SSU Headquarters

2020-04-04 10

Additional Inspector General of Police Sindh, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Memon visited the Police Emergency Response and Crisis Management Centre established at Special Security Unit - SSU Headquarters to provide timely and effective guidance for the health and safety to the citizens during COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak. While talking to the police reserve reinforcement personnel he directed them to be cautious and take special precautions while performing duties. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Security and Emergency Services Division, Mr. Maqsood Ahmed accompanied the Additional IGP during the visit and briefed him about the arrangements. Mr. Maqsood Ahmed briefed him that the Crisis Management Centre is connected with the Commissioner Karachi office, PDMA, Central Police Office Sindh and Police Emergency Call Centre Madadgar-15 for timely coordination. Additional IGP Karachi Ghulam Nabi Memon appreciated the efforts and professional capabilities of the officers deputed at Crisis Management Centre and announced cash rewards and commendation certificates for them.