Conglomerates in S. Korea turn to remote recruitment amid COVID-19 outbreak

2020-04-03 12

국내 대기업 '언택트 채용' 나섰다…영상통화 면접 등 진행

Recruitment season had been put off, much to the disappointment of jobseekers, but now it's back on.
To comply with the rules and recommendations on social distancing, South Korea's major conglomerates are going online to do their hiring.
Eum Ji-young has more.
South Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor Group resumed recruitment last week for some of the positions that were put on hold due to COVID-19.
The company has altered hiring practices to minimize human contact, and is holding remote job interviews.
"We believe there is a limit to hiring through in-person interviews where all candidates gather at a set place. To hire the right person at the right time, we are conducting online job interviews."
Other conglomerates including SK Telecom, CJ Group, and Kakao Corporation are also using video interviews to hire staff.
One jobseeker says he is pleased companies have taken this approach to restart their recruitment.
"It's good news that the large conglomerates that I want to work for are resuming their recruitment through online means. I'm happy to use this method because the time and place of the interview are flexible."
"Because the COVID-19 outbreak has forced companies to scrap face-to-face meetings in favor of online interviews, apps with platforms for online job interviews are gaining traction fast."
The video-based recruitment platform called "Ziggam" has seen a surge in users in the recent months.
"Because of the outbreak, the number of companies and candidates that use our service has more than tripled in the last three months."
He added that the demand for remote hiring is expected to increase in the future as it saves time and expense compared to in-person interviews and is an effective way of hiring competent workers.
Eum Ji-young Arirang News.

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