北方町は、岐阜県本巣郡にある町。岐阜県の南西部に位置し、濃尾平野の北部に位置します。岐阜県内の市町村の中で面積が最も小さく、人口密度が最も高い。本巣郡唯一の町です。円鏡寺は、岐阜県本巣郡北方町にある高野山真言宗別格本山の寺院です。山号は池鏡山。本尊は木造聖観音菩薩立像、木造不動明王立像。 東海三十六不動尊第三十二番。美濃七福神(弁財天)。文化財を多く所有し、「美濃の正倉院」と呼ばれます
Kitagata is a town located in Motosu-gun, Gifu Prefecture. It is located in the southwestern part of Gifu Prefecture and in the northern part of the Nobi Plain. It has the smallest area and the highest population density among municipalities in Gifu Prefecture. It is the only town in Motosu-gun. Engyoji is a temple of Koyasan Shingon-sect Betsuhonzan in Kitakata-cho, Motosu-gun, Gifu Prefecture. The mountain is Ikegamiyama. The main statue is a wooden statue of Seinyin Bodhisattva and a wooden statue of Fudo Myo. 32nd Tokai Fudoson 32nd. Mino Shichifukujin (Benzaiten). Owns many cultural properties and is called "Mino's Shosoin"
Taoyaka Internet Broadcasting Website: http: //taoyaka.at-ninja.jp/