Candidates running in S. Korea's April 15 General Elections begin official campaigning

2020-04-02 26

총선 공식선거운동 2일 0시 돌입…13일간의 열전 레이스 개막

Despite many cancellations over the COVID-19 pandemic,... one thing that's not on hold,... South Korea's general election.
Candidates running for the upcoming April 15th general election had a long night …as the official campaigning period began at the stroke of midnight on Thursday.
They all have compact two-weeks to earn the vote of the people before the polls open on the 15th.
Park Se-young has more.
The head of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea's election campaign committee, former prime minister Lee Nak-yon, began his campaign by meeting with part-time workers at mom-and-pop stores …and promised a politics of hope.
"I wanted to tell people not to lose hope on the first day of the campaign. As Lee Nak-yon, you're going to have to do something. Do well. I have confidence in you."
The leader of the main opposition United Future Party, Hwang Kyo-ahn, held a press conference at Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul just before midnight …and called for economic revival... and judgment on the current administration.
"I cannot forget your blood-boiling cries for justice and fairness that collapsed with the Cho Kuk scandal. Jongro will become the number one spot for the judgment of this administration."
The Party for People's Livelihoods began its campaign at a night market and said the focus should be on people's livelihoods, …rather than confrontations between the two major parties.
"The big parties ruined the economy and people's lives with their endless fights. Candidate number 3, the People's Party will win through."

Meanwhile, the Justice Party met with late-night workers at a railway station and promised to prevent a labor crisis.
"Above all else, the Justice Party will be at the forefront of preventing a COVID-19 labor crisis, a layoff threat worse than the IMF crisis."
The candidates running in the April 15th election can actively campaign until the day before the election.
Park Se-young, Arirang News.

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