Amid coronavirus lockdown, good samaritans feed stray animals in eastern India

2020-03-30 54

In spite of a 21-day-long lockdown imposed across India, good samaritans have taken the streets to feed the stray animals in the eastern state of Odisha.

The incident took place at Bhubaneswar on March 26, 2020.

The video shows a group of people feeding street dogs and other stray animals across the city.

With increasing restrictions on the movement of people across India, these animals are in danger of being cut off from their main source of food.

According to reports, the locals have decided to run a campaign, "Hunger free Bhubaneswar for animals," for feeding the animals who were starving due to the lockdown.

"Last night, we fed more than 1,000 hungry stray animals who were starving as people are forced to stay home due to the complete lockdown," one of the local said.