Nelson Rockefeller visits the Argentine Republic 1969

2020-03-24 8

Bs. As .: Report on the visit made by Nelson Rockefeller to the Argentine Republic. (Leo Gleizer)
Date: 6/30/1969
Duration: 10 minutes 51 seconds
Film code: D-01964
Film description:
1. Journalistic note in the Plaza Hotel. Report where journalist Leo Gleizer comments: "We are inside the hotel where since yesterday at 20:15 the special envoy of President Richard Nixon, Mr. Nelson Rockefeller, has been housed. In a few moments, by this elevator that we see, Mr. Rockefeller is going to descend and he is going to hold an interview with Argentine businessmen. We are going to wait for him and we are going to try to dialogue with him. We are going to wait for him now. " General views of numerous cameramen and photographers covering the news. Report to Mr. Rockefeller, in which he is asked: -Mr. Rockefeller, good morning; how was the night -Didn't you have time to get to know Buenos Aires, won't you have it either? -Mr Rockefeller, so far what is the result of your trip through Latin America? -If you had to give advice, what would it be? Then the journalist comments: "Exactly at 10:30 in the morning, Mr. Nelson Rockefeller leaves the hotel where he has held a conference with Argentine businessmen, which lasted approximately 20 minutes and is now withdrawn." Report to Mr. Rockefeller, in which he is asked: -How did your conversation go? -Sorry Mr. Rockefeller, are you going to walk or do you drive? The journalist then comments: "He is already heading to the chancellery. According to what he has told us, he travels in a car. A large number of people await at the hotel door. Many police officers and members of his party. Mr. Rockefeller Surrounded by a large number of journalists, he is about to board the vehicle. "And now Nelson Rockefeller is boarding the vehicle that is taking him to the chancellery, you see this police deployment. Approximately 500 police officers guard him. Very few or never have we seen in Argentina these security measures that have been arranged around Nelson Rockefeller. "
2. General views of the entourage that accompanies the car in which Mr. Nelson Rockefeller travels, arriving at the Palace of the Argentine Chancellery. Close-ups of Mr. Rockefeller descending from the vehicle. General views of numerous cameramen and photographers covering the news. Close-ups of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Dr. Juan B. Martin receiving Mr. Rockefeller and holding a meeting. After the interview, Chancellor Martin accompanies Mr. Rockefeller to the vehicle, where Ambassador Del Solar Dorrego is waiting for him. Close-ups of the car withdrawing from the chancellery to move in the direction of the Government House.

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