The US Is Now the Third-Highest Coronavirus-Infected Nation in the World

2020-03-23 32

The US Is Now the
Third-Highest Coronavirus-Infected
Nation in the World According to Fox News, the number of
confirmed COVID-19 cases in America
surpassed 35,000 on Monday. The United States is now only behind
Italy and China as far as the world's
most coronavirus-cases-per-country. The COVID-19 death toll in
America is currently the
sixth-highest in the world at 471. Out of the 50 states that
have all reported confirmed
cases of the coronavirus, New York has the
highest number,
at nearly 17,000. Washington state has the
second-highest amount of
confirmed cases, 1,996. According to U.S. health officials, the number
of confirmed COVID-19 cases will likely rise
once testing becomes more readily available.