Emergency Response Coordination Centre will manage the distribution of Coronavirus equipment

2020-03-20 4

The Commission will finance 90% of the stockpile. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre will manage the distribution of the equipment to ensure it goes where it is needed most. https://www.eudebates.tv/debates/world-debates/g7-leaders-met-online-to-fight-coronavirus-as-eu-closes-borders/ #eudebates #coronavirusitalla #Covid_19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Corona #COVD19 #Health #EUCO #COVID The Commission is already in the process of jointly procuring face masks for 20 countries.

The European Commission has decided to create a strategic rescEU stockpile of medical equipment such as ventilators and protective masks to help EU countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical equipment part of the stockpile will include items such as:
- intensive care medical equipment such as ventilators,
- personal protective equipment such as reusable masks,
- vaccines and therapeutics,
- laboratory supplies.

How the rescEU stockpile works

The stockpile will be hosted by one or several Member States. The hosting State will be responsible for procuring the equipment.

The Commission will finance 90% of the stockpile. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre will manage the distribution of the equipment to ensure it goes where it is needed most.
The initial EU budget of the stockpile is €50 million, of which €40 million is subject to the approval of the budgetary authorities.

In addition, under the Joint Procurement Agreement, Member States are in the process of purchasing personal protective equipment, respiratory ventilators and items necessary for coronavirus testing. This coordinated approach gives Member States a strong position when negotiating with the industry on availability and price of medical products.

Brussels on Sunday imposed an EU-wide export ban for some medical protective equipment in a bid to keep sufficient supplies within the bloc, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced.

"We need to protect our health workers, who are in the first line of defense against the virus," von der Leyen said in a video message. "We must safeguard them with protective equipment: masks, gloves, protective garments, etc."

The EU is moving on three fronts: working with industry to boost production, keeping in the EU the protective equipment needed, and sharing equipment within the EU, according to von der Leyen.

The chairs of Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, Petra De Sutter (Greens/EFA, BE), and Transport Committee, Karima Delli (Greens/EFA, FR), welcomed rapid decision of EU Transport ministers to support green lane supply routes (giving priority to transport of essential goods such as food as well as vital medical and protective equipment), as suggested by MEPs and the Commission. The aim of the new and urgent COVID-19 measures is to protect health and keep goods and essential services available within the EU’s internal market.