The ABC’s China correspondent reporting from China about Chinese coronavirus bizarrely attacks Trump.

2020-03-14 9

I guess it really isn’t bizarre at all - for the ABC. Meanwhile, China’s authoritarian President Xi Jinping has not been asked a *single* question by journalists about his handling of the coronavirus pandemic since the outbreak first occurred in 2019. He doesn't do questions, and the global media is perfectly fine with this, apparently. See for yourself the kind of measures China took to control the spread of corona - 2:36.
So, rather than tackling the scary Chinese authorities, the ABC’s China correspondent, Bill Birtles, bravely takes on the US President – from China. Yet another example of an ABC Leftist ‘speaking truth to power’. A reminder - the ABC has at least 3 US-based correspondents already scrutinizing Trump’s coronavirus measures. One of those US correspondents, James Glenday, even had the gall to criticise the Trump administration's mixed messaging on coronavirus - 3:52. Yet, listen to what respected American physician, Dr Drew Pinsky, has to say about the media's coverage of COVID-19 - 4:16. The ABC even blames Trump for the stock market slump - see 5:08.
Airdates: 07-03-20 and 12-03-20