'Social Distancing' May Be Needed to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

2020-03-11 79

'Social Distancing' May Be Needed to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus Some health experts are recommending that people
stay further away from each other than normal to ease the increasing numbers of
coronavirus cases around the globe. From a cough or sneeze, studies say
the disease can travel up to eight feet. Dr. William Schaffner, via CNN Schaffner, a longtime CDC adviser, says 'social distancing' is just a recommendation for now. He adds that people over 60 years old and with a health condition should take extra caution. Dr. William Schaffner,
via CNN Examples of distancing can
include working from home and avoiding large gatherings, such as sporting events and parades. Events around the U.S., like SXSW and multiple
concerts, have been canceled recently over the virus.