Wild ride! Flybe's final flight ends with diversion to Manchester, an act of charity, and some 'Glasgow spirit'

2020-03-05 1

The absolutely incredible story is seen in this clip from one of failing UK airline Flybe's final flights on late Wednesday evening (March 4).

A passenger, who prefers to remain anonymous, tells Newsflare in an exclusive interview the amazing tale of how a planeload of mostly Scottish passengers headed for Glasgow from Birmingham ended up diverted to Manchester but still having a good time and doing a noble act in the process.

"So we're headed to Glasgow, about five to ten minutes before we land. Suddenly, the flight crew is on, talking about we need to stop for fuel. We're all a bit confused but we are like, okay, that's fine. So we end up diverting to Manchester. Taxiing quite a ways away from the main terminal. A snow plough ends up behind us, and we're all a bit confused," said the passenger.

"Now the flight crew is changing their tune. The pilot comes out, quite emotional as well, letting us know that it's not a fuel shortage, that it's the end of the airline and he's quite sorry about everything. We were all so sad for the crew, knowing they were all going to be out of work. So the lot of us took a little of what we had and gave it to them to tide them over as they're now unemployed," said the passenger.

When asked if he was told why the plane was due to be repossessed in Manchester instead of Glasgow, the passenger said "he heard that they're a bit more aggressive over there."

"So as you see in the last clip, a few of the people on the plane had a few drinks. And everyone was in really high spirits actually. What can you do? You don't really have much of a choice. So we started signing a bit, giving a bit of Glasgow spirit," said the filmer about his memorable diversion.