Learn Chinese for Beginners: Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge (Week 6/Day 3)

2020-03-04 1

After today's video, you'll know how to say "and" in Chinese - correctly! The grammar is actually pretty simple when you get a clear explanation.

If you're ready to commit to learning Mandarin, go beyond the phrase of the day series and check out our structured courses - with flashcards, quizzes, and audio reviews. Start here with Lesson 1, "Chinese is Easier Than You Think": http://bit.ly/31rfrXx

The easiest way to learn Chinese tones: https://youtu.be/UuX9F5emdk0

Learn your first 3 Chinese characters in FIVE MINUTES: https://goo.gl/iVqnSr

See how to say each sound in Mandarin with our FREE Video-based Pinyin Chart. It has 90+ video explanations for difficult Mandarin sounds and audio demonstrations for all 400+ pinyin syllables: https://goo.gl/hc63Jr

Watch a demo of Yoyo Chinese courses with Yangyang and Jason: https://youtu.be/sqrVmBM1SvU

Learn Mandarin with this famous Chinese love song: https://goo.gl/wzCsV2

The best way on the internet to learn to count to 10 in Mandarin: https://youtu.be/2eLP3FuuEVs

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