[Eng sub/日本語字幕]
The very first dog brought by the owner dreaming to live happily together
However, he is different with other dogs
Wounds of body and mind attacked by Ddoddo get serious
she asked for help to trainers
but it kept failing,
and he even bit the face of trainers
The dog trainer gave up Ddoddo, now, what's the solution for him?
Let's check out his aggression of Ddoddo given up by trainer in the video 'Aggression of my dog' of Bodeum TV with Kang trainer
#Aggression about touch #Aggression due to Excessive cleanliness #biting dog
For the safety of the owner and canine, please go for a training with an expert.
Aggression requires continuous training and care.
We are looking for 'an owner who is suffering from the dog's aggression' for a new video clip of
Youtube Bodeum TV with Kang Hyung-wook trainer.