Cesar Menotti - Omar Larrosa - Rene Houseman - Alfio Basile - Huracan 1973

2020-03-02 17

Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the stadium of Club Atlético Huracan. Report where the journalist Eduardo Lorenzo Borocoto comments: - "Hurricane is on top. Hurricane is first. We will know why Hurricane is first. We have to ask. Who, a Hurricane fan, one of San Lorenzo, one of River , to one from Boca, to an impartial one, to a sports journalist. I think the best place to ask why Hurricane comes first, exactly the Hurricane with that shout of goal that you just heard. There are the boys working. to talk to them. We're already talking to them. " Report to the technical director of Hurricane, Cesar Luis Menotti, in which he is asked: -Why is Hurricane first in the standings? -You are happy? - Are you uneasy about what can happen or are you sure? Report to Omar Ruben Larrosa (left pointer), in which he is asked: -The pointers were always like that in a friendly and joking tone, so in the pasture the crazy people said, it is true that they have to be a little crazy to play pointer? Report to Rene Orlando Houseman (right pointer), in which he is asked: - Does fame come to you, that everyone talks about you now, six months ago nobody talked about you and now everyone talks about you? - Do you like it, it bothers you? -Is it going to change or are you going to remain the same? Report to Alfio "Coco" Basile (central marker), in which he is asked: -Coco, they are calling you but I called you before, you can explain to me why this first Hurricane, you who have been world champion, that you have been a team champion, that is, that you have experience, that you have years, that you have personality? - Is there any other factor, for example, friendship? - Now, the friendship is made: first they win and then they are friends or sometimes they are first friends and then they win? - Do you accept that journalists come to see you only when they are in good times? (Eduardo Lorenzo Borocoto / Magnetic)
Detail: General views of a training of the professional team of Huracan with a view to the game that will play against Students of La Plata for the 7th Date of the Metropolitan Championship. The team consists of: Héctor Jorge Roganti, Daniel Alberto Buglione, Jorge Carrascosa, Nelson Pedro Chabay, Francisco Faustino Russo, Miguel Angel Brindisi, Roque Avallay, Alfio "Coco" Basile, Carlos Alberto Babington, Carlos Alberto Leone and others.
Date: 04/11/1973
Duration: 3 minutes 50 seconds
Code: B-01485

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