Pete Buttigieg Drops out of Race for Democratic Nomination

2020-03-02 1,047

Pete Buttigieg
Drops out of Race for
Democratic Nomination Buttigieg, 38, announced the
end of his run in South Bend, IN, the
city where he was mayor. Pete Buttigieg, via
'New York Times' His announcement comes
a day after his fourth place
performance in the South Carolina
primary, and two days before Super Tuesday. The former mayor made history
as the first openly gay presidential candidate. He was able to raise
$76 million for his run in 2019,
a massive amount considering
his obscurity prior to the race. Buttigieg won the Iowa caucuses
and came in second in the New Hampshire primary. His momentum waned in Nevada,
where he came in at a distant third. Analysts report that Buttigieg
was unable to secure support from
voters of color, key constituencies
for a Democratic candidate. The former mayor ran his historic,
upbeat campaign on a moderate platform. Buttigieg has not announced
which candidate, if any, he
will endorse for the
Democratic nomination.

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