Water Therapy for Heel Pain (Foot Pain Relief Routine)

2020-02-29 7

This hot water cold water therapy is really Effective for heel pain .. if you have swelling,numbness in foot do give a try it is also good for stress relief ..

You need two bucket of water 1 filled with regular tap water and 1 filled with hot water (hot as much you can tolerate)

Do this Routine for 10 days

Let's start :

Put your feet in hot water (1min)
Take out your feet on room temperature (1min)
Put your feet in tap water (1min)
Take out your feet on room temperature (1min)

this complete 1 cycle
repeat this cycle 10 times

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• VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5N3CRAbFo&t=11s
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*What camera do you use? 7D canon
*lens: fix lens, 18mm-35mm
*Ring Light
*What editing software do you use? Primere Pro