France - Millau Viaduct bridge

2020-02-28 49

World's tallest bridge (July 2019)
The Millau Viaducts ( le Viaduc de Millau) is world’s tallest bridge. It has a structural height of 336.4 metres (1,104 ft ), Which is much taller than effile Tower The Millau Viaducts is a cable-stayed bridge that spans the gorge valley of the Tarn near Millau in southern France., It was designed by the French structural engineer Michel Virlogeux and English architect Lord Norman Foster.

Millau viaduct toll prices as of july 2019
Cars: Summer (15th June - 15th September): 10.80 € – Rest of the year: 8.60 €
Car+caravan: Summer (July and August): 16.10 € – Rest of the year: 12.90 €
HGV toll: 37.60 € all year
Motorbikes: 5.30 € all year

#FranceMillauViaductbridge #leViaducdeMillau #Worldstallestbridge