How similar am I genetically to a chimpanzee, a fruit fly, my pet dog, my pet cat, a banana? | Mohit Ranglani films

2020-02-28 5

#Arewereally99%chimps #areweallrelated #geneticsimilaritiesbetweenhumanandanimals #whyanswertoeverything #nationalgeographicbooks #mohitranglanifilms presents -
How similar am I genetically to a chimpanzee, a fruit fly, my pet dog, my pet cat, a banana?
Description - Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species.
Humans and dogs share 84 percent of theirDNA, which again, makes them useful animals to study human disease processes. Researchers are particularly interested in specific diseases that affect both dogs andhumans.
Made by Mohit Ranglani
About Mohit Ranglani films - Mohit Ranglani is a pharmacy student of IES college of pharmacy, bhopal. Son of Rajesh Ranglani and kavita Ranglani. He lives in katni.
Based on National Geography book.
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