Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Inverter, Batteries & Motors Explained - DIYguru

2020-02-28 12

When Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current motor in 1887, he paved the way for the invention of the electric vehicle more than a century later. Electric vehicles could make gas- and diesel-powered vehicles obsolete by the year 2025, effectively ending the reign of the internal combustion engine.

The acceptance of EVs into car culture has already begun with the Tesla Model S winning the Motor Trend Car of the Year in 2013. And with electric car sales growing by 81 percent from 2017 to 2018, it seems electric cars could be the norm sooner rather than later.

Understanding how an electric vehicle works is actually much simpler than understanding how a gas- or diesel-powered car works. That’s why we created the infographic below — to help readers understand the basics of electric vehicles and how they could be instrumental in changing our environment for the better.


Batteries in electric vehicles are not the same as your typical ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle’s battery. Electric vehicle batteries power everything in your car, most importantly the electric motor.

When a battery in an electric vehicle runs out of charge, you simply recharge it through grid electricity as you would your phone or laptop. Charging can be done at home through a wall outlet (there are many home charging setups) or at a designated charging station in a public parking area.

Almost all electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries. These are low maintenance, lightweight, and more efficient than other batteries. Lithium-ion batteries tend to be more expensive to manufacture than nickel-metal hydride or lead-acid batteries.

Most lithium-ion batteries last for between 8 and 12 years, depending on the climate and maintenance schedule.


To charge an electric car, you just plug it into a charger connected to the electric grid. Charging occurs through the car's electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE). Three levels of EVSEs exist, each with its own charging speeds and equipment.

Level 1 Home Charging

Level one charging uses a 120-volt plug and a standard outlet. Level one charging requires no special equipment and is typically done at home. Level one chargers take the longest time to charge your electric vehicle, averaging about three to five miles per hour of charge.

Level 2 EVSE Home Charging

Level two EVSEs use a 240-volt plug and typically need to be installed by an electrician. They can be used for either home or commercial charging. Many electric car automakers provide purchase options for level two EVSEs at the time of vehicle purchase, and private companies also offer electric vehicle chargers.

Level two chargers are much faster than level one chargers, offering up to 60 miles of range per hour of charge. They are capable of fully charging an electric car battery in about two hours.

Level 3 EVSE DC Fast Chargers

DC fast chargers are the charging stations you’ll see in parking lots around town. They can deliver up to 100 miles