Obesity Affects More Than 4 out of 10 American Adults, Study Reveals

2020-02-27 35

Obesity Affects More Than 4 out of 10 American Adults, Study Reveals Findings stem from a
2017-2018 health survey
revealed by the CDC. It had over 5,000 participants whose weight
was measured by their body mass index (BMI). According to the survey,
42 percent were found to be obese. In a 2015-2016 survey,
the rate was 40 percent. Government researchers add that almost
1 in 10 U.S. adults are severely obese. Around 50 years ago, the severe condition
was noted in just 1 in 100 adults. The survey's numbers are small, but obesity is
one of the biggest health issues in the U.S. today. George Washington University's Dr. William Dietz says
the government needs to take more action. The obesity expert recommends promoting
healthier eating options and passing
taxes on drinks with sugar.