Spingendo quotidia" />
Spingendo quotidia"/>
from the album "Gimali by Zone
Spingendo quotidianamente i nostri limiti riusciamo, a piccoli passi ,a superare le paure che ci vietano il possesso della nostra esistenza.
Angelo DArrigo
Lyrics by M.Iozza-R.Henry
Music: by E.Torregrossa- G.Catanzaro
Between the sky and madness
The houses look like fireflies
The immense silence envelopes you
With our feet on the ground we watch you
The tension that anticipates freedom
has the strong 'smell of victory'
The flight of the birds will be with you
Through the final sunset
Open the window and fly
In the night over this city
Open the window and fly
fear won't follow you
Open the window and fly
like an angel afterlife
Open the window and fly
with your guardian the moon
Everybody knows death without pity
That day she took you suddenly
Your beaked friend wasn't with you
With his claws he should save you
But a heart of iron never beats
And never feels pain
Remember when you the other half
Shared the eagles flight
You have wings like an eagle.