Full version Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol II: Business Deployment: A Leaders Guide for

2020-02-25 0

Provided in this book are the step-by-step details for creating an effective business performance management and measurement system. The described nine-step Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) methodology structurally links predictive performance metrics with the processes that created them. In addition, IEE how-to techniques are described for the identification of improvement opportunities that will provide long-term enhancement to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) responses, which benefit the business as a whole. Lean Six Sigma and other process improvement deployments can gain much from this aspect of the IEE system. Instructors (University, in-house trainers and consultants) and organizations (in general) gain much when utilizing this book and the described concepts in the training and execution of Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, the Balanced Scorecard and other performance measurement/process improvement programs. Let?s examine the benefits of the IEE system:?If extreme care is not exercised, scorecard & dashboard metrics, strategic planning, and/or business improvement systems can lead to activities that are not beneficial to the enterprise as the whole. Traditional organizational measurement and improvement systems, in which emphasis is given to meeting goals at any cost, can lead to unintended consequences. ?For long-lasting-over-time improved decision making that is not so dependent upon the sophisticated insight of a few key individuals to occur, an enterprise management system framework is needed that utilizes business intelligence and other information with a blending of analytics with innovation. From this wise blending, targeted strategies and efforts are created so that the business as a whole benefits. ?In businesses, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-based) goals need to be determined through the integration of analytics with innovation at the enterprise level and cascaded downward throughout the organization. SMART goals need to be assigned to high-level 30,000-foot-level operational metrics improvement needs so that there is personal accountability for achievement. ?This personal-accountable, 30,000-foot-level operational metric improvement need can then create a pull-for-project initiation, which is different from traditional Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma, Lean Kaizen Event, and Total Quality Management (TQM) problem solving systems, in which improvement projects are often pushed-for-creation by group brainstorming sessions. A push-for-improvement project creation system can result in organizations claiming that they have saved 100 million dollars through project-completions, but nobody can find the money; i.e., a silo reported savings does not necessarily translate to an enterprise benefit. Volume II of the IEE book series provides a step-by-step leadership-orchestrated framework roadmap for addressing real business issues and needs. In IEE, for example, enterprise analytics is blended with innovation in the analyze stage of the 9-step IEE system. Lean Six Sigma organizational process deployments often are not long-lasting. Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) was created to address this problem. IEE details are provided in the following books:?IEE Vol. I provides a description of the benefits of the IEE system in a golfing story format in which four MBA friends discuss process improvement when play golf. ?IEE Vol. II describes the 9-step IEE business management system, which among other things uses an IEE value chain to align 30,000-foot-level predictive scorecards with the processes that created them. IEE Volume II also describes the details of determining where lean Six Sigma improvement projects should focus so that the business as a whole benefits. ?IEE Vol. III provides the step-by-step details for executing improvement efforts that enhances organizational performance metrics which are important to the business.