Employees Want Office Pets Over Vacation Days and Raises, Survey Says

2020-02-21 1

Employees Want Office
Pets Over Vacation Days
and Raises, Survey Says According to a ZipRecruiter survey
of 3,000 job applicants, 30 percent say it is important to have
employers allow their pets at the office. The survey also revealed
what they are willing to give
up to have their pets tag along. At the top of the list is free snacks,
which 41 percent say they would trade. After that, it's catered meals with
30 percent willing to give them up. Even a paid vacation day? 17 percent
have no problem with that sacrifice. The survey adds that seven percent would
cut their gross salary by a percentage point. Would you give up a
performance bonus
for your pet? According to the ZipRecruiter survey,
three percent would be okay with that.

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