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Imagine that you assign a math problem and your students, instead of getting discouraged after not solving it on the first attempt, start working harder?as if on a quest to figure out the answer. They talk to each other and enthusiastically share their discoveries. What could possibly make this fantastic scenario come true? The answer is: the Open Middle math problems and strategies in this book.Open Middle Math?by Robert Kaplinsky gives middle and high school teachers the problems and planning guidance that will encourage students to see mathematics in an entirely different light. These challenging and rewarding Open Middle?math problems will help you see your students build genuine conceptual understanding, perseverance, and creativity.Inside, you?ll learn how to:Implement Open Middle?math problems that are simultaneously accessible for both students who are struggling and those looking for more challenge.Select and create Open Middle math problems that will help you detect students' misconceptions and strengthen their conceptual understanding.Prepare for and facilitate powerful classroom conversations using Open Middle math problems.Access resources that will help you continue learning beyond this book.With these practical and intuitive strategies, extensive resources, and Robert?s own stories about his journey learning to use Open Middle math problems successfully, you will be able to support, challenge, and motivate all your students.