Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 9 days

2020-02-13 86

GERMANY — New analysis shows that many human coronavirus strains can stay infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days.

The 2019 novel coronavirus is a droplet-based infection that can be spread through direct person-to-person transmission or by touching contaminated surfaces.

These include door knobs or handles, bedside tables and chairs, call buttons, and other objects around an infected patient.

A report published in the Journal of Hospital Infection looked at 22 studies on different coronaviruses and found that human coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS can survive on glass, plastic, and metal surfaces for up to 9 days.

According to Professor Gunter Kampf, from the Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at Germany's Greifswald University Hospital, low temperature and humidity can increase the viruses' lifespan.

Fortunately, the research also found that disinfectants such as ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, or sodium hypochlorite can easily kill the viruses within just one minute.

While the study focused on other types of coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, researchers predict the findings may also be applicable to the 2019-nCov.

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