Endah N Rhesa - We (Live at Rooftop Gigs)

2020-02-13 999

JAKARTA, KOMPASTV - Duo grup Endah N Rhesa sukses tampil menghibur di acara Rooftop Gigs di Menara Kompas, Palmerah Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (4/2/2020). Duo yang juga merupakan pasangan suami-istri ini membagikan banyak kemeriahan selama penampilan.

Berikut lirik lagu We:

We don't need to run from reality

We just have to visit with ability

We don't need to ask for something more

Just do what we can, what we having for

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right down the future, and make a change

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right off the picture, and make you dance

We don't have to wait for someone else

We just have to do with our past

And, we don't need to be perfectly right

Just spread a wide, In their side

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right down the future, and make a change

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right off the picture, and make you dance

We don't need to hide, we don't need to run, we don't need to

We don't need to hide, we don't need to run, we don't need to

We don't need to hide, we don't need to run, we don't need to

We are tomorrow

Right down the future, and make a change

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right off the picture, and make you dance

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right down the future, and make a change

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right off the picture, and make you dance

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right down the future, and make a change

We are the people, we are tomorrow

Right off the picture, and make you dance

Tak hanya menyanyikan lagu-lagu andalan, Endah N Rhesa juga bercerita tentang perjalanan mereka yang dirangkum dalam sebuah buku berjudul I'm All Ears.

Rooftop Gigs merupakan program live session kolaborasi HAI dengan Kompas TV, dan didukung oleh KG Media.

Rooftop Gigs menawarkan keintiman antara musisi dengan penggemar, ditambah kejutan lainnya.

#EndahNRhesa #RooftopGigs #EndahNRhesaLive