T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Worth $26 Billion Is Approved by Judge

2020-02-11 40

T-Mobile and Sprint
Merger Worth $26 Billion
Is Approved by Judge Sprint stock prices increased
76 percent following news that
the merger was approved by a district judge. T-Mobile shares
were up by 10 percent. Attorneys general from more
than a dozen states — including
New York and California —
sought to block the deal. They argued the merger
of the third and fourth largest
U.S. carriers would lead to
increased prices for consumers. Sprint and T-Mobile argued
the merger would them build
a 5G network across the country, and to compete
with Verizon and AT&T, the
number one and two U.S. carriers. The merger between
T-Mobile & Sprint was
approved in July of 2019.