Independence Day to Communism!
December 22, 1989,
The day the Ro" /> Independence Day to Communism!
December 22, 1989,
The day the Ro"/>

Revolutia Romana - Independence Day - 22 Decembrie 1989 - "Universitate-CCPCR"

2008-12-18 5

Independence Day to Communism!
December 22, 1989,
The day the Romanian people "settlers" in the street and beaten with hands and bare chests combined forces of the Army, Militieiv and security in order crazy "Radu the Handsome" Ceausescu these forces have fired in full in their own people with ammo war and thereafter Ion Iliescu's diversionary forces fired unconventional munitions banned by 5.5 millimeters head vidi to disperse us to steal Romanian Revolution won at the cost of 3,000 dead and ten wounded me.
The images are inconclusive even on December 22, 1989 forces loyal to Ceausescu's have put fire in full at the Inter Continental and other locations until they were surrounded by over a million people angry when they tried to save Ceausescu carrying with Reseda its helicopter to Snagov.

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