Baby monkey who lost her mother is cared for by NGO worker in central India

2020-02-06 69

A baby monkey who lost her mother was adopted by a sympathetic NGO worker in central India.

Manasi Nathwani, who is a member of a NGO named Wildlife Welfare Association, is taking care of the baby monkey that was found on February 2 in the Ravi estate area in Thane, Maharashtra.

The baby monkey has been named Laxmi, and footage shows Manast feeding her formula milk from a bottle, while Laxmi clings to a fuzzy stuffed toy.

Manasi reported that the baby monkey's mother died after she fell while jumping from one tree to another while carrying the baby in her arms.

Manasi commented: "Laxmi clings to me all the time - when I go I leave a soft toy beside her. Now her condition is improving day by day."