Corona Virus ki asal Waja--Corona virus spread bats soup, eating mice

2020-02-06 249

Corona virus spread bats soup, eating mice
China's outbreak of Corona virus has revealed that the virus causes bats to eat soup and live mice.
According to medical experts, a variety of bats from the market in Wuhan, China, caused the outbreak of 'fruit beet', 'corona virus', which is now transmitting from person to person.
Experts say the first people who came to the hospital with this complaint were from the local wholesale fish market where chickens, donkeys, sheep, pigs, camels, foxes, bed bugs, mice, thorns, cats. A variety of civet, wolves and other crawling animals are available,
China's outbreak of Corona virus has revealed that the virus causes bats to eat soup and live mice.

Also read: National Health Advisory on Corona Virus Issued

According to medical experts, a variety of bats from the market in Wuhan, China, caused the outbreak of 'fruit beet', 'corona virus', which is now transmitting from person to person.

Corona virus spread bats soup, eating mice
Experts say the first people who came to the hospital with this complaint were from the local wholesale fish market where chickens, donkeys, sheep, pigs, camels, foxes, bed bugs, mice, thorns, cats. A variety of civet, wolves and other crawling animals are available.

Contact the government's International Laboratories for Corona Virus Diagnosis

The market in Wuhan closed in December last year, which has now been sealed and handed over to security forces