21st Century Corporate Citizenship: The Executives' Guide to Delivering Value to Society and Your

2020-02-06 0

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For the executive who wants to leverage corporate citizenship to drive value to the bottom line and mobilize employees and customers, this book provides a pragmatic guide complete with actionable insights based on empirical research. While the concepts presented are valuable for everyone thinking about how to maximize business and social value - they are essential for senior executives leading manufacturing B2B or B2C companies managing complex supply chains, integrated operations, and corporate reputation. This is a book about making sure your team is focused on the right strategy and using all of the assets at your disposal to achieve your goals. It will help you set the standards of performance and accountability to ensure that your corporate citizenship strategy creates a competitive advantage for your company while creating meaning for employees and customers. '21st Century Corporate Citizenship' provides a roadmap to help you deliver value to society while at the same time creating a successful business in today's competitive landscape. Written by thought-leading practitioners and educators, this book provides a major update on how to 'do' corporate citizenship.