Man's Worldly Goods Best Sellers Rank : #2

2020-02-06 1

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s/t: The Story of the Wealth of NationsOriginally published in the 30s, this is 'an attempt to explain history by economic theory, & economic theory by history'. It charts the path from feudalism to capitalism, then looks beyond capitalism to a perceived socialist future. Contents Include: From Feudalism to Capitalism Prayers, Fighters & Workers Enter the Trader Going to Town New Ideas for Old The Peasant Bursts His Bonds "And No Stranger Shall Work in the Said Trade" Here Comes the King! "Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief" Help Wanted, Two Year Olds May Apply "Gold, Greatness & Glory" Let Us Alone! "The Old Order Changeth" From Capitalism to? Where Did the Money Come From? Revolution in Industry, Agriculture, Transport "The Seed Ye Sow, Another Reaps" Whose "Natural Laws"? "Working Men of All Countries, Unite!" "I Would Annex the Planets if I Could" The Weakest Link Russia Has a Plan Will They Give Up the Sugar?