Toutes les vies de Kojin / Toutes les vies de Kojin (2020) - Trailer (French Subs)

2020-02-04 1

Directed by : Diako Yazdani
Produced by : l'atelier documentaire
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 1 h 27 min
French release: 12/02/2020
Production year: 2020

In a documentary with a first-person narrator, Diako Yazdani, a political refugee in France, returns to see his family in Iraqi Kurdistan and introduces them to Kojin, a twenty-three-year-old homosexual who is trying to exist within a society in which he doesn't seem to be able to find a place. With humor and poetry, the director delivers a moving portrait where the encounters between people invite us to think, in a universal way, about difference.

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