Man 'teleports' onto street in bizarre CCTV footage to spark conspiracy frenzy

2020-01-30 33

A baffling video circulating online has shown a man “teleporting” onto a street, conspiracy theorists have sensationally claimed.

The CCTV footage begins with a normal street scene showing people walking along a pavement as cars drive past on the road.
Suddenly, a man in black seemingly appears out of nowhere behind a street sign.

He then jumps over the barrier and runs off-screen.

No one seems to bat an eyelid to the man apparently appearing out of thin air.

The video originally surfaced back in November but has only just been picked up by various conspiracy channels online.

It split viewers, with some claiming it was conclusive proof of teleporting technology while others were more sceptical.
“I looked at this for time, I got nothing,” one wrote.

The clip may very well have been edited. A sceptical viewer pointed out: “Just edited out the bus he just stepped off.”

Responding to the view, another said: “I thought that was a good theory but why would a bus stop be next to an area where passengers would have to step over a rope /cable barrier?”
A third baffled viewer wrote: “It would seem like he teleported in because everyone else in that scene was moving normally without a skip or pause in their moments.

“Unless it was deliberately edited.”
And a fourth said: “You can tell it wasn’t a camera glitch cause the people near him have no skips in their walking process, very weird.”

Incredibly, it is not the first time claims of “teleportation devices” being used on camera have surfaced.

Back in 2017, a girl appeared to teleport into a school in weird video.