Abuershaid Lee and Le, Trial Lawyers APC - CPS Attorney in Orange County, CA

2020-01-29 2

Abuershaid Lee and Le, Trial Lawyers APC (or A.L.L. Trial Lawyers APC) goal with every case is the same: to fight for you and your family, and your right to retain/regain full legal custody of your child. The strategies involved to reach that goal, however, vary depending on the severity of the allegations against the parents. It is important that the dependency attorney on your side is not only well-versed in the law but also committed to you and your case. Call at 866-222-1255 for more information about ( https://alltriallawyers.com/dependency-cps-lawyers ) CPS attorney in Orange County or visit our website.

Address : 333 City Blvd West, 17th Floor, Orange, CA 92868, USA

Phone : 866-222-1255

Official Website : https://alltriallawyers.com

Google Plus Listing : https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=14493313267859239505