Big Wolf & Little Wolf Best Sellers Rank : #4

2020-01-28 0
A story about how life changes when one comes to understand the meaning of friendship and sharing.Big Wolf lives alone under a tree at the top of a hill. He is alone, but happy. One day he sees another wolf approaching, a little wolf. Without a word, Little Wolf sits down next to Big Wolf. He stays all night and all the next day. At first Big Wolf is suspicious. He also is worried that Little Wolf will grow bigger and become a rival. After a while, however, he starts to feel fond of his small companion. He decides to let Little Wolf share his covers, just a little, so he isn?t cold at night. The next day he shares some of his lunch. Just as Big Wolf is starting to get used to his new friend, and even to care for him, Little Wolf disappears. Big Wolf is too proud to cry or get upset, but the reader cannot miss the great mix of emotions he feels, which are movingly portrayed in Olivier Tallec?s sensitive illustrations. Big Wolf loses his appetite and cannot sleep. He spends his time staring at the horizon, waiting for Little Wolf to return, but without the slightest reason to hope that he will. But with the arrival of spring Little Wolf does return. Big Wolf is so happy his heart almost bursts. The two wolves shyly admit that without each other they found life lonely. Never again will they leave each other?s side.Prix de l?album 2007 CherbourgPrix France T?l?vision 2006Prix des Enfants 2006 du Salon Chr?tien de TroyesPrix litt?raire jeunesse de 2006 Chambray-les-toursAdopted by the French National curriculum

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