Terrifying moment six wild pythons were found writhing around at the bottom of water tub in Thailand

2020-01-27 1

This is the nightmarish moment six wild pythons were found writhing around at the bottom of a water tub.

Buddhist monks and local volunteers were cleaning the grounds of the temple when they noticed a snake slither into the toilet in Lopburi, central Thailand.

They opened the door and peered inside a 4ft tall ceramic pot used to hold water before noticing the family of serpents.

Rescue workers arrived and with the help of local soldiers they captured all six pythons, each one around 8ft long and weighing 66lbs.

One of the monks, Phra Wattana, said he was relieved to catch the reptiles before a planned religious event on Saturday (January 25) afternoon.

He said: "I didn't think it was possible that there could be six pythons living in the same tub in the temple.

"I believe they came here because of the safe environment. It is a sign of good luck for the temple.''

The snakes were captured and put in sacks before being driven away to be released back into the wild.