The 21 Keys to Professional Growth

2020-01-26 1

The Adaptive Skills Project (2006–2016) was an online survey conducted by Performance Talks Ltd/Endor Learn and Develop to investigate the adaptive skills most prized by employers. Feedback was received from occupational sectors including manufacturing, digital technologies, media and creative services, logistics, service industries, retail, food and drinks, engineering, plastics and polymers, agriculture, local government, education, voluntary services, nursing, healthcare, banking and insurance. Additional technical assistance was received from the Design Enterprise Centre at the University of Hull.
The project identified 21 Keys to Professional Growth. These are the workplace skills which are consistently associated with greater operational flexibility and are believed to add value to an employee across multiple work situations at any stage in their career, regardless of position. The twenty-one simple, straightforward attributes that resonated with employers are all featured in this short clip. For more information, read Upskill by Chris Watson or visit: Published by Crown House Publishing.