As I have seen both Mr Mullin & Mr Bell dish out some amount of snide jokes, remarks and straight up attacks and abuse to people and companies over the last few years (who knows what they say in private with their friends in Zoom chats) it feels only right to give them both a night to remember.
This will be the last in the Trilogy of Victor1st Videos, The VWV IS A BUSINESS & The Kelpie Awards were indeed created to prove a point and obviously for Banter which is explained below however as this is the last upload this is PURELY a tongue in cheek parody/comedy piece which has been done before to people in positions of power and celebrities by the likes of Cassetteboy & Gumdrops80, If these people can take it and don't feel the need to run to Youtube then I'm sure a vape reviewer can take it on the chin, right?. This video in no way has any malicious intent or hidden agenda - Accept for the bit where Vic explains he cannot take criticism, that is true. Everything else in this video is purely "banter mate".
I'd just like to say a massive and heart felt thank you to everyone who has watched any of these videos, commented and subscribed to the channel I honestly appreciate it.
And as always it's only banter mate.